Perjantai's Currency Logs

- 15 Ocean Coin
Daily Fee (Paid fee for daily (#1))
2 weeks ago
+ 30 Ocean Coin
Choice Box Rewards (Received rewards from opening [65oc] Item/MYO of Choice Box)
2 weeks ago
+ 30 Ocean Coin
Choice Box Rewards (Received rewards from opening [65oc] Item/MYO of Choice Box)
2 weeks ago
+ 30 Ocean Coin
Choice Box Rewards (Received rewards from opening [65oc] Item/MYO of Choice Box)
2 weeks ago
+ 30 Ocean Coin
Choice Box Rewards (Received rewards from opening [65oc] Item/MYO of Choice Box)
2 weeks ago
+ 30 Ocean Coin
Choice Box Rewards (Received rewards from opening Staff Item Box)
2 weeks ago
+ 30 Ocean Coin
Choice Box Rewards (Received rewards from opening Staff Item Box)
2 weeks ago
+ 100 Ocean Coin
Rank Rewards (Reward for being part of the Developer rank)
3 weeks ago
+ 100 Ocean Coin
Rank Rewards (Reward for being part of the Developer rank)
1 month ago
+ 30 Ocean Coin
Choice Box Rewards (Received rewards from opening [Biweekly] Staff Item Box)
2 months ago
+ 30 Ocean Coin
Choice Box Rewards (Received rewards from opening [Biweekly] Staff Item Box)
2 months ago
+ 100 Ocean Coin
Rank Rewards (Reward for being part of the Developer rank)
2 months ago
+ 30 Ocean Coin
Daily Rewards (Received rewards for daily (#3))
3 months ago
- 15 Ocean Coin
Daily Fee (Paid fee for daily (#4))
3 months ago
- 15 Ocean Coin
Daily Fee (Paid fee for daily (#1))
3 months ago
- 15 Ocean Coin
Daily Fee (Paid fee for daily (#5))
3 months ago
+ 100 Ocean Coin
Rank Rewards (Reward for being part of the Developer rank)
3 months ago
+ 1 Mysterious Pearl
Daily Rewards (Received rewards for daily (#1))
4 months ago
- 15 Ocean Coin
Daily Fee (Paid fee for daily (#1))
4 months ago
+ 15 Ocean Coin
Daily Rewards (Received rewards for daily (#2))
4 months ago
- 15 Ocean Coin
Daily Fee (Paid fee for daily (#1))
4 months ago
+ 10 Ocean Coin
Daily Rewards (Received rewards for daily (#2))
4 months ago
- 15 Ocean Coin
Daily Fee (Paid fee for daily (#1))
4 months ago
+ 10 Ocean Coin
Daily Rewards (Received rewards for daily (#2))
4 months ago
+ 5 Ocean Coin
Daily Rewards (Received rewards for daily (#2))
5 months ago
+ 5 Ocean Coin
Daily Rewards (Received rewards for daily (#2))
5 months ago
+ 1 Ocean Coin
Staff Grant (c:)
5 months ago