(6/15) General Update
Posted 8 months ago :: Last edited 8 months ago by PaulkittyGuest Artist Applications Now Open
Guest Artist applications are open from now until June 22nd, 1 PM Pacific Time! Please apply at the link below if you are interested!
Pride Adopt Batch
We have a 15 adopt batch today! 10 BTA and 5 OTA. For more information, please check out the sale post! Offers/Bids open in half an hour.
Partnerships Now Open
We would like to officially announce that we're looking for closed species to partner with! For a long time we've only been partnered with Squiblings, but now that we've finished creating the Squibling x Mantla crossbreed item and launched our website, we're ready to partner with other species. If you or someone you know is staff on a closed species that may be interested in partnering with us, please check out our partnership criteria in #server-affiliations!
Squibling Crossbreeds
We now allow crossbreeds with our partner species, Squiblings, using the special item Squid Charm! This item is only available through special events, and is not currently available for purchase. Sadly, we have no ETA for a Squibling crossover event at this time, but one is in the works. Aside from Squid Charm, staff members are allowed to make squibling crossbreed adopts without using the item, so there may be some in the future!
Site Updates
Item trait examples and item icons have been added to most items. Unfortunately, most older images did not have their attributions recorded. If you or someone you know made an image that has an incorrect or missing credit, please let us know! We would love to properly credit every artist who has contributed to our species.
We have begun working on a guide to creating mantla designs. There will be another announcement when it's completed.
Shop Updates
All MYOs have been restocked!
The Strange Seller has left town again and their shop is no longer available. They may return sometime in the future with new wares.
New Reward Codes
New reward codes have been hidden! 3 more mysterious pearl codes have been hidden, each starting with M and ending with P. 4 more prize codes have been hidden as well. This time they each have "code" in them so they are more easily spotted. Here's one: snupuffcode