(6/08) Wheel Odds Adjustment

Posted 8 months ago :: Last edited 8 months ago by Paulkitty

Sorry everyone! I didn't announce it when I made this change because I did not realize that so many people would buy the item I silently added to the store. I didn't think people were checking the item shop frequently as the redeems on the code in the item store description are very low. Shifting the wheel odds was also generally not announced in the past, and I was too tired to write an announcement at that time. I'll keep this in mind for the future.

The odds for the wheel were changed to have failure to be about 7 times more likely (~7% to 50%) two days ago, but I have now adjusted it to 25% due to the feedback we've been recieving. My goal was to make it more of an actual gamble, but the odds were a bit too harsh. The odds for all items were adjusted and some of the prizes were removed because the wheel was simplified to make it easier to update and adjust in the future.

As I implied earlier, I also added an item to let you spin the wheel as many times as you wanted (provided you have the coins) to the item shop. This is mainly aimed at impatient people as the regular daily wheels will remain. Keep in mind that you are never guaranteed to win!


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